A Visual Initiation
The idea of taking what was considered junk, refuse, or outdated, and
transforming those items into works of emotional response can only be
described as a life-long obsession. As a self-taught artist, my work has evolved
as I explore more complex creations and telling of parables / history.
I find inspiration in the objects around me. When something specific is
necessary – it often arrives. It is as if the items themselves seek to be reborn
and revalued once more. There is a price that exists in a culture of obsoletion to
take something discarded and re-envision what it could be or mean. I think of
myself as an alchemist – transforming discarded items into art forms that have
deeper meanings, new spirit, and endowing them with rediscovered
appreciation. I apply this method to almost everything I do creatively as I am
autodidactic and love to explore many processes / material combinations.
Finding order from the chaos of unrelated items for sculpture, painting, design,
and assemblage is a constant challenge for me. These creations are really my
attempt to tell the allegory of the soul. I prefer hearing the interpretations of
others and what they see, rather than dictate what that should be. Born in
Houston, and now living in Galveston, I wake up every day excited that I can
create meaning from objects that have none.